The following article is written for attorneys interested in tips for choosing a jury in a trial. I have lectured on this subject many times. I hope this information is helpful to my fellow attorneys.
Voir Dire is an extremely important component of the case. Either a beginning, or an experienced, trial lawyer must devote intensive thought, imagination, preparation and practice to the voir dire of the case. Practice asking your questions to your staff, family, or an informal focus group (friends) within a few days prior to trial. Just as in painting a house, preparation of the surface, is absolutely required if the paint is to stick. Without adequate preparation the jury will reject your client’s case.
Many attorneys place such little emphasis on the importance of voir dire preparation that they make the mistake of putting voir dire preparation off until the last minute, thinking they will get around to it when all their other trial preparation is complete. This usually means little or no effort is put into developing a voir dire specific to your case.
The principal skill of the trial lawyer is honest, effective communication. Be yourself. Your approach to voir dire sets the whole tone of the case and defines you and how your message will be received by the jury from the outset. Are you real and authentic or are you trying to be someone you are not?
Running through the entire fabric of our Georgia decisions is a thread which plainly
indicates that the broad general principle intended to be applied in every case is that
each juror shall be so free from either prejudice or bias as to guarantee the inviolability
of an impartial trial…In the interest of fair trial, if error is to be committed, let it be in
favor of the absolute impartiality and purity of the jurors.[1]
It is important to ask yourself certain fundamental questions before planning and preparing the voir dire:
1. What is my case about?
2. What about my case scares me? Am I willing to discuss those issues honestly with the jury? What are the problems with my case that I hope to overcome?
3. What do I think the jury will be troubled by and how will they react to me, my case, my client?
4. What type of juror do I want?
5. What type of juror scares me?
6. What kind of juror do I want to try to challenge for cause, or failing that, use a peremptory strike to exclude? How will I approach that process so as to not come across as meanspirited, arrogant, hostile or judgmental?
7. How do I convince the judge that what I am trying to do in voir dire is legitimate? Do I feel empowered or am I approaching this process feeling hemmed in, afraid of the judge and jury and defeated before I ever start?
8. Am I willing to just be myself and not mimic someone else or try to be “lawyer man” or “lawyer woman?” Am I willing to communicate honestly and not come across as patronizing or fake out of fear and my desire to control and manipulate? Am I willing to believe that I am actually good enough and adequate for the job at hand, even though I wasn’t first in my law school class, didn’t win the moot court competition, and have really hidden the fact for most of my career that I feel like an imposter and hope I won’t be exposed and found out.
9. How can I use voir dire to condition the jury as to the important issues of the case, help the leaders on the jury to shine and begin to set up alliances with me and other jurors?
10. How can I help the jurors who are sometimes excluded and rejected as outsiders feel valued and included as part of the winning team?
11. How do I find the jurors who are prejudiced against my case, since I will never, ever take their prejudices away by arguing with them, educating them, or belittling them in front of other jurors? How can I enlist the aid of the prejudiced juror to educate the others by having others on the jury disagree with them and express other points of view for me without doing it directly?
12. How do I discover who the common enemy of the jury is?
13. Am I willing to practice my voir dire with friends, family, or paid shadow jury so that I will be relaxed and spontaneous when the voir dire actually starts?
14. How can I avoid being ambushed by the silent juror who doesn’t answer questions but harbors opinions detrimental to my case and whose goal in getting on the jury is to sabotage the Plaintiff’s case?
“Many potential jurors mistakenly believe the civil justice system is out of control with runaway verdicts and a congested court docket brought about by a ‘sue happy society’. Such jurors must be identified and removed from the panel.”[2]
The courtroom is one scary place. It is a place where people lose their children in a custody battle, lose their freedom and go to prison, lose their money and security, and sometimes even lose their life. Judges have a reputation of “biting the heads off” of lawyers. There are armed people with guns and handcuffs standing by. Let’s face it, is there anything not to be afraid of in the courtroom? No wonder we have a hard time just being ourselves and not being stiff and scared and paralyzed with fear at the start of the trial……And the poor jurors are more scared than we are! They wonder: “What will they ask me? Will they embarrass me? Am I smart enough to understand this case? Am I up to the job of the responsibility of this case? Will I look like a fool? Will these other people listen to me or like me? [3]
Out of that fear comes great opportunity. You can break the ice and be the authentic “real” person in the room and help everyone to feel safe and comfortable enough to be authentic. The reward is, you get to find out how they really feel and think, if, but only if, you reveal how you really feel and think. As Gerri Spence says, “It’s like the children’s game: “I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours!”
Start out with telling them: “I want to tell you that I am scared about my case. I am afraid you will not like my client, he/she is not attractive, has a criminal record, and that you won’t be able to put that out of our mind in figuring out if he was harmed and damaged by malpractice. Maybe I shouldn’t have even taken this case – What do you think? I am afraid I may not be adequate for this job and my client will be hurt because of it and won’t get a fair shake because of it. What do you think?” Well guess what, the juror is now thinking you are just as afraid as she or he is and the beginning of an honest relationship is starting. The jurors are afraid and they are glad to hear you are too! Be vulnerable.
Let’s face it, when you start asking those questions of the jury panel and the individual jurors, it’s a scary time. You are afraid a juror may “poison” the whole panel and make you lose the trial with one horrific answer. You bristle and become angry at their rant about “jackpot justice,” the “McDonald’s coffee case,” “greedy trial lawyers,” the “loopholes” that let defendants go free. Your fear and anger shows in your body language, and your condemning, argumentative, or judgmental tone of voice.
Why not curiously listen then, instead of defensively correct, advise, argue or explain?
When we try to talk a juror out of a bias or prejudice, it will never, work. All we do is harden their intransigent position and make ourselves look bad. Remember, the goal is to deselect the jurors with prejudice against your case through challenges for cause or with peremptory challenges. If you want honest answers from the juror you are currently questioning, as well as the others waiting their turn, you must tread gently.
Here’s a suggested way to do it:
1. Keep your heart and your good intentions turned toward them, even when their heart is turned from you by doing the following:
a. Set aside your critical judgments and/or conclusions about their intentions,
behaviors and feelings;
b. Set aside your personal agenda and your attachment to outcome;
c. Acknowledge and set aside your emotional reaction, e.g. fear, anger, judgment, condemnation to their opinion and ask genuinely curious and compassionate
questions about their opinions and why they feel as they do.
The method and types of questions are subject to the discretion of the trial court. Hypothetical questions are usually not allowed if the purpose is to have the jurors indicate what their decisions will be under a certain set of circumstances, evidence or facts. But hypothetical questions which attempt to determine that the juror’s mind is free of preconceived convictions are proper and allowed.[4]
2. First and foremost ask open ended questions. You must forget how angry you are about tort reform and the erosion of our civil liberties and “listen.” Be genuinely interested in finding out why the juror feels as he does. Using their words and repeating some back to them (the psychological technique of mirroring), ask them to help you understand what they mean and why they feel that way. Be genuinely curious, like you are a news reporter in another country or even from another planet. Ask them how they see it or feel it specifically. Be truly curious about how they arrived at their opinions. Remember, that their opinion and feelings are as valid as your own and in your case, even more so, because they have the power to decide the case.
3. Let them talk a lot. They are not used to having someone listen to them without defending, correcting, solutioning, or “me-tooing” them. They may get more “worked up” before they wind down, but after a while they will begin to hear themselves and a little self-assessment and wisdom may creep in, when they don’t have to spend so much energy defending their position to you.
4. Listen for the integrity of their point of view and what you can learn about them to make you more compassionate for their situation and why they hold their opinions and prejudices (our characterization).
5. Be present and make the juror feel as though they have been fully heard. There is an incredible amount of respect and loyalty that may develop from that type of listening. How rare it is for human beings to feel that from another. [5]
Try building a partnership with the jurors by having an expansive conversation. The goal is to curiously inquire for more information. Add to what you “see” with what the other person “sees” and seek to give them additional information which could build a framework for a shared goal represented by a favorable verdict. Work together towards some shared higher purpose. Be curious about what you don’t know and don’t assume you know the other person’s intent. You have to be genuine and demonstrate the energy of genuine curiosity. Use their words, repeated back to them, in follow up questions, so that they will know you are interested and listening. Try to shift your orientation from certainty to curiosity, from simplicity to complexity and, most importantly, from “either or” to “both.” Try to develop an interest in “how it is” for another and how their information and opinion could give you a wider view. The goal is to build partnership by ending the arrogance of superior/inferior. Shared understanding is about appreciating and legitimizing another’s view vs. agreeing or disagreeing with them. You can then draw out their honest opinions with your sincere and respectful curiosity, so that you can decide whether or not you want them on your team or whether you need to exclude them. Many jurors treated in this fashion will not fight you on the questions obviously setting them up for a challenge for cause (you know it and they know it), because of the respectful listening that you have given them. People want to be heard and connect and to be valued and acknowledged. Be genuinely curious, understanding that you don’t know their world. Demonstrate you want to understand what they think and feel by asking open-ended questions.
After practicing law for thirty-five years and having been convinced, now more than ever, of how much I don’t know about being a trial lawyer, I have come to the conclusion that (drum roll please) “people are people” – brilliant huh? What I mean is that ethnic and other stereotypes are so diluted and watered down by peoples’ life experience, the number the years since certain ethnic types immigrated to the United States, etc. that the best thing to do is just make no prejudgments and ask your questions. It is so difficult to find enough good jurors, with tort reform rhetoric and fear of terrorism making people so afraid that they are willing to throw away their rights, that you can’t afford to waste strikes on the basis of stereotypes. Simply find out who people are and what drives and motivates them. To do so, you must give them a sense of who you are as well. Get a feel for whether you like them and can work with them for a common goal. The most important principal is to ask the questions designed to find out, “Who are the people prejudiced against my case? Why?” We will never be able to take their prejudices away. Hence, we must make them feel safe to tell us their true beliefs and opinions without fear of scorn or judgment from us or anyone else in the courtroom. We have to draw them out being very vulnerable. Speaking one’s humanity and fears is the best way to go about it. Don’t assume silence means agreement. Make an effort to get the silent ones to talk.
The best way to accomplish this goal is to make it safe for jurors to express their honest opinions and to gently lead them into the concession that it really would be better for all concerned for a person with such valid and well thought out and reasonable and wise, (but nonetheless such a “fixed and formed” opinion that it would never change no matter what the evidence shows), to be excused from jury service. Besides, most folks with these really hard-core “fixed and formed” opinions in our society are just too darned important to be tied up in the business of sitting on a jury. Many of them will leap at the chance to be excused for cause, if you only will treat them with respect. Don’t make them feel attacked and put down by your cause challenge. These are proud, accomplished people. You don’t want them to feel that if they are challenged for cause they are foolish or you have dominated them and that you win and they lose. If you make them feel this way, they will figure out a way not to be challenged for cause and later vote against your client in deliberations.
Ask a question like this: “Mr. Jones, you have told us that you feel we would have to prove the doctor was negligent by proof beyond a reasonable doubt and that proof by a preponderance of the evidence, or more likely than not, just makes it too easy on us and hard on the doctor. In fairness, wouldn’t you agree that your opinion on that is so fixed and formed that it is unlikely to change no matter what happens in the case.”[6] Usually, the busy business person, tort reformer will spot an “escape” in those stilted words “fixed” and “formed” and seize upon it as his or her ticket out of the courtroom and back to the high paying, important job. Crucial to this outcome is establishing a communication dynamic and atmosphere where it is not a contest of wills between you and a prospective juror, but instead a respectful, low key, genuinely interested exchange of ideas. If you get the jurors “back up” odds are he or she is staying on that jury no matter what. The judge’s rehabilitative question, “You will follow the law, won’t you?” is just too easy a “save” for your opponent, once the juror is riled up and wants to spite you by getting on the jury and sabotaging your case.
Challenges for cause are extremely important. You will almost never have enough peremptory challenges left to deselect the problem jurors. The only way to enhance your odds of success is to become adept at striking jurors for cause. The number of peremptory challenges is limited, but the number of challenges for cause is not.[7] Generally there are two categories for challenging the juror for cause, principal/per se challenges and challenges for favor.
A. Principal/Per Se Challenges:
These challenges are well-founded in law and statute. Per se challenges include:
1. O.C.G.A. §15-12-134. Challenge of juror in civil case for desire or expression of opinion as to which party should prevail…
In all civil cases it shall be good cause of challenge that a juror has expressed
an opinion as to which party ought to prevail or that he has a wish or desire as
to which shall succeed. Upon challenge made by either party upon either of
these grounds, it shall be the duty of the court to hear the competent evidence
respecting the challenge as shall be submitted by either party, the juror being
a competent witness. The court shall determine the challenge according to the
opinion it entertains of the evidence adduced thereon.
To be successful at challenging for cause under this statute the evidence must demonstrate that the juror’s opinions are fixed, and the juror is incapable of objectively weighing the evidence.
2. O.C.G.A.§15-12-135. Disqualification for relationship to interested party.
(a) All trial jurors in the courts of this state shall be disqualified to act or serve in
any case or matter when such jurors are related by consanguinity or affinity to
any party interested in the result of the case or matter within the sixth degree as
computed according to the civil law. Relationship more remote shall not be a
This statute is not limited to just kinship, but also jurors who have a relationship with a party or are related to a person having a close connection with a party or the outcome of the case. Additionally, a party is considered related by marriage to blood relatives of his spouse but not to people his spouse is related to only by marriage. For example, the wife of the spouse’s uncle would not be disqualified under this code section.[7] Challenges for favor include other relationships not delineated in O.C.G.A.§15-12-135.
B. Challenges for Favor
Challenges for favor include all jurors who have given counsel reasonable basis for apprehension of partiality or bias. Challenges for favor are rarely reversed because the appellate courts give great deference to the Trial Court’s discretion and will only be reversed upon a finding of “manifest abuse” of that discretion.[8] To preserve an appeal for failure to strike the best practice is to exhaust all peremptory challenges and make your objections to the panel before the jury is sworn or they may be waived.
O.C.G.A.§15-12-133 states:
In all civil cases the parties thereto shall have the right to an individual
examination of the panel of jurors from which the jury is to be selected,
without interposing any challenge…In the examination, the counsel for
either party shall have the right to inquire of the individual jurors
examined touching any matter or thing which would illustrate any
interest of the juror in the case, including any opinion as to which
party ought to prevail, the relationship or acquaintance of the
juror with the parties or counsel therefor, any fact or circumstance
indicating any inclination, leaning, or bias which the juror might
have respecting the subject matter of the action or the counsel or
parties thereto, and the religious, social, and fraternal connections
of the juror.
This statute forms the basis for most challenges for favor/bias.[9] Almost any relationship or bias may be grounds for disqualification if it raises a reasonable apprehension of partiality or pre-judgment. Some examples of challenges for favor are:
a. Racial prejudice;[10]
b. Leaning or bias for or against one party;[11]
c. Size of the verdict (counsel may inquire in general terms as to a jurors feelings or bias
toward “large verdicts” but may not ask the juror to commit to a specific amount or
d. Stockholders and relatives of corporate party or insurance company with financial
e. Employees of a party;[14]
f. Relationship to any insurance company with potential exposure in the case;[15]
g. Fixed opinions as to any material fact as to the parties, the subject matter of the case or credibility of witnesses;
h. Inability to set aside impressions or opinions based upon pre-trial publicity.[16]
Additionally, the Supreme Court decision in Kim v. Walls, 275 Ga. 177 (2002) changed the trend of “rehabilitating” jurors who were brave enough to be honest about potential biases only to be subjected to a “browbeating” by counsel or the trial court. The Court in Kim held that when “a prospective juror has a relationship with a party to the case that is either close or subordinate, or one that suggests bias, the tiral court must do more than ‘rehabilitate’ the juror through the use of any talismanic question.”[17] The Court further admonished trial courts to err on the side of dismissing a juror rather than trying to rehabilitate biased jurors. Id.
The scope of voir dire is not limited to the subjects which constitute grounds for sustaining a challenge for cause. Voir dire may also inquire into subjects which reveal bias or prejudice towards a party or issue to be tried.[18]
The number of peremptory strikes depends on the number of jurors being seated for trial. All civil matters pending before the State Courts of Georgia are tried to a jury panel of six members, unless there is a minimum claim for damages in excess of $25,000, and then the case may be heard by twelve jurors by request of either party. Civil cases before the Superior Courts of Georgia are heard by a panel of twelve jurors. In cases heard by a six-member jury each side has three peremptory strikes. In cases heard by a twelve-member jury each side has six strikes. The parties alternate strikes, with the Plaintiff striking first.[19] If alternate jurors are being selected, each party has one additional peremptory challenge to be used only in the selection of the alternates.[20]
You should be aware of Batson issues when using peremptory challenges. Batson v. Kentuckyholds that deliberate exclusion of members of a particular political group, economic group, race, sex, religious faith, etc. violates due process and equal protection. The burden is on the person who feels they have been unfairly excluded to establish the Batsonissue, and then the burden shifts to the striking party to establish a neutral basis for the strike.[21]
When you think about the questions you really need to ask in voir dire, you might think, “Well a judge wouldn’t really let me ask those in a trial.” If you approach the task with that attitude, it will probably become a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you think you can’t do it, you probably won’t try, or your effort will be half-hearted. Your energy will telegraph tentativeness and that you are not sure of yourself and don’t believe in what you are doing. Consider approaching it head-on with the judge before you start the voir dire: “Judge, we have a tough row to hoe in this political climate. You know 30 of the last 30 medical malpractice cases have been lost by plaintiffs in this State. There have been only three plaintiff’s medical malpractice verdicts in the last three years in the State. It is extremely difficult for a plaintiff to get a fair shake in a legitimate case. The reason is the jury pool has been brain washed and conditioned by the relentless drum beat of corporate advertising, political mailings and pronouncements by everyone from the President of the United States, to the Governor, to the Speaker of the House to talk show hosts and others about “frivolous lawsuits,” “jackpot justice,” “running doctors out of business,” “greedy plaintiff’s lawyers,” “malpractice cases causing everyone’s health insurance premiums to go up,” and the like. We need some latitude in inquiring into those matters to get a fair trial. We won’t waste your time and the juror’s time with silly questions. We respectfully ask your discretion to allow us to go into those matters and of course, if you don’t feel our purpose is legitimate, rein us in. We want to explore those matters and inquire into those matters. We want a fair trial and, in this climate, it is exceedingly difficult to get one.[22] Demonstrate impeccable intent in this regard. Use this approach to also advocate for the use of a jury questionnaire.
Notes are an impediment to communication, When you look at them and think of the next written question, rather than listening to the answer and framing the next question by incorporating words from the last answer, you tend to miss the whole world of nonverbal communication: the scowl, the tight body position, the harsh tone of voice, the tight insincere smile, all of which speaks volumes of information that you don’t want to miss. Use a lawyer or staff person in your office to take with you.
It is important to carry on your voir dire as you would any conversation by establishing a few common interests or life experiences between you and the juror as they answer your questions. Let them know you are one of them and that you are down to earth, approachable and sincere. Don’t go too far with this or the judge will call you down. Tell them a little bit about you, your background, your work, and your family. Share some of your weaknesses and vulnerabilities so that it won’t appear that you are not one of them. Do the same for your client. Usually your opponent will want to do the same thing, so he or she won’t object. Dress appropriately, but not too flashy or expensively. Forget the jewelry. Leave the Mercedes at home. Remember you want to be one of them, not to be perceived as above them, or play into some awful lawyer stereotype. Use “plain speaking” language. Using legalese or an overly formal speech pattern or “speechifying” will only serve to distance you from the jury.
Smart lawyers have said that you should win your case by the end of voir dire and opening statement. One of the ways to effectively work toward that goal is to establish coherent themes of your case which you will carry through from voir dire, to opening, to direct, to cross, to closing. A coherent theory of your side of the case should be woven into the voir dire questions, headnotes or bullet points, to alert the jury to the themes and concepts of the case.
Ask questions about the issues which are of most concern to you. Devote considerable time to thinking about what the jury will be concerned about with your case and how you can effectively bring those issues out for open discussion. Those issues are in the jurors minds anyway, so do not be too afraid to talk about the “pink elephant” in the living room. Not talking about “the pink elephant” is not going to make him go away. Don’t worry about poisoning the whole jury. You should try to get a commitment from the jury to not consider the prejudicial elements of your case before they come back to haunt you in deliberation. The ignored “pink elephant” will most definitely be a topic of conversation in the jury room.
Example A:
“You know it worries me that Akeem is the product of a mixed race marriage. I am afraid you might disapprove of it and it might hurt Akeem’s case, even though the fact that he is of mixed race has nothing to do with how he became quadriplegic? How do you feel about that?”
Example B:
“You know my client has a criminal record. That doesn’t have anything to do with how he got malpracticed upon, but I am worried that he won’t get a fair shake. How do you feel about that?”
Example C:
“My client had a gambling addiction in years past and I am worried that you will reject his case because of that. How do you feel about that?
Example D:
“Are any of you worried that a large verdict in this case will cost you money personally, since it is against the county hospital?
Example E:
My father thinks we shouldn’t award money for pain and suffering. Some people feel we should. Where do you stand on that, like my Dad or some other folks?
Example F:
“Well the doctor is a good person. You know he does volunteer work for Doctors Without Borders. That worries me. Would you be inclined to give him a pass even if he committed malpractice because of his good deeds? Or would you hold him accountable even if he is usually a good doctor, but was not in this instance?”
We all want to select a jury in which everyone has the exact frame of mind that you do, agrees with you on everything, and sees it just like you see it. Unfortunately, that person doesn’t exist. There is only one you, and we are all different. About the best we can do is to reveal the jurors who are leaning one way or another. Find the ones that are leaning so hard that nothing will cause them to lean in a different direction. These jurors hopefully will be stricken for cause, or if not, use a peremptory challenge and your client will be more likely to receive justice.
Good luck with your next voir dire and I hope some of these tips and suggestions will be useful!
[1] Guoth v. Hamilton et al., 273 Ga.App.435 (2005) [Internal Citations Omitted.]
[2] Thomas Malone, Voir Dire and Summation, The Law and the Practice, §6:1 (2d Ed.), The Harrison Company.
[3] Gerri Spence – Voir Dire Videotape.
[4] U.R.S.C. Rule 10.1. Voir dire. The court may propound, or cause to be propounded by counsel such questions of the jurors as provided in O.C.G.A. §15-12-133; however, the form, time required and number of such questions is within the discretion of the court. The court may require that questions be asked once only to the full array of the jurors, rather than to every juror, one at a time, provided that the question be framed and the response given in a manner that will provide the propounder with an individual response prior to the interposition of challenge. Hypothetical questions are discouraged, but may be allowed in the discretion of the court. It is improper to ask how a juror would act in certain contingencies or on a certain hypothetical state of facts. No question shall be framed so as to require a response from a juror which might amount to a prejudgment of the action. Questions calling for an opinion by a juror on matters of law are improper. The court will exclude questions which have been answered in substance previously by the same juror. It is discretionary with the court to permit examination of each juror without the presence of the remainder of the panel. Objections to the mode and conduct of voir dire must be raised promptly or they will be regarded as waived.
[5] Jan Smith, Communications Consultant, Center for Authentic Leadership, Atlanta, Georgia.
[6] David Ball, Damages.
[7] Georgia Trial Handbook 6:16, citing Alexander v. State, 260 Ga. 870 (1991).
[8] Kim v. Walls, 275 Ga. 177, 178 (2002) (Internal Citations omitted.)
[9] See Generally Voir Dire and Summation §4-1 et seq.; and Trial Handbook for Georgia Lawyers§16.1 et seq.
[10] Menefee v. State, 270 Ga. 540 (1999); See Generally, Voir Dire and Summation §4-1 et seq.;and Trial Handbook for Georgia Lawyers §16:1 et seq.
[11] Perry v. State, 264 Ga. 524 (1994).
[12] Atlanta Joint Terminal; see also Davenport v. Kutner, 186 Ga. App. 152 (1988).
[13] Lewis v. Emory University, 235 Ga. App. 811 (1998).
[14] Voir Dire and Summation §4-23.
[15] Weatherbee v. Hutcheson, 114 Ga. App. 761 (1966).
[16] Morrill v. Stte, 216 Ga. App. 468 (1995).
[17] Kim v. Walls, 275 Ga. 177, 178 (2002) (Internal Citations omitted). See also Guoth v. Hamilton, et al, 273 Ga. App. 435 (2005); Kier v. State, 263 Ga. App. 347 (2003); and Remillard v. Longstreet Clinic, P.C., 267 Ga. App. 230 (2004).
[18] Atlanta Joint Terminals v. Knight, 98 Ga. Ap. 482 (1958).
[19].O.C.G.A.§15-12-122 and 15-12-123. (Civil cases before the federal courts of Georgia shall be heard by a panel of six jurors, unless both parties request in writing prior to trial the case be heard before a jury of twelve).
[20] O.C.G.A. §9-11-47
[21] Batson v. Kentucky, 476 US 79. See also Edmonson v. Leesville Concrete Co., 500 U.S. 614 (Batson, aplies to civil matters).
[22] Geri Spence: Voir Dire Videotape